boulder creek intervention
sophomore year, 2017
boulder, colorado
individual design
Today, the Boulder Creek and surrounding path are largely used for circulation to and from main campus and East campus. Joggers, bicyclists, walkers, and the occasional golf cart used this path solely to get from point A to point B; a problem that I wanted to address. My overall design goal was to build a structure that not only attracted people to the area, but also integrated observation, relaxation, and recreation along the Boulder Creek. My design features four platforms of differentiating uses and circulation requirements. One platform is high off the water’s edge with a ladder leading down, another has no railings at the end and is close to the water’s edge for ease of lowering into the water, while the third, smaller platform has a narrow entryway which reduces the amount of people who could use the area at the same time.

scaled site model

detailed site model

As part of an extra opportunity for this project, I built a scale model of a single platform along the Boulder Creek. This helps get into the minute details of the design as well as the integration into the landscape. This platform in particular features a narrow entry to limit the amount of people who can occupy the space. With no direct access to the creek, visitors may use this platform for relaxation and observation

section view