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eames house recreate

fall 2019

individual research project

Located in California, the Eames House serves as a residential museum that I was tasked to recreate using Revit with an Enscape plugin. The home features a rectangular form made of mostly curtain walls with inlaid, colorful, glass panels. In addition to recreating the landmark museum, part of this assignment was to add a renovation (located on a third floor) that contains two bedrooms, a bathroom, a seating area, and two pieces of custom furniture families.

second floor.JPG
first floor.JPG

first floor plan

second floor plan

third floor.JPG

third floor plan


east-west section


north-south section


north-south section

interior elevations.JPG
interior elevations.JPG
interior elevations.JPG
interior elevations.JPG
interior elevations.JPG

interior elevations

furniture 1.JPG

custom furniture family: bookshelf

furniture 2.JPG

custom furniture family: coffee table

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