2016 - 2019
I am not a paid photographer, I do not go to places around the world purely for pictures to sell. The pictures that are featured in the photography section of this portfolio are those that I have taken out of pure joy. Those of nature, friends, family, and hobbies. Photos that make me feel a sense of awe and wonder when I look at them. Those photos that imply perspective that allow the viewer to really think about how I possibly took that photo.
I was fortunate to have been able to use these aspects of my photography from June 2018 until August 2018 in Israel during the World Lacrosse Championship. Not only was I able to play and participate in the festival games, I was a social media intern taking sports photography during the games of players and equipment for sponsors such as Warrior Lacrosse and Cascade.
Although my time with a professional camera has been short, photography has allowed me to see the utmost beauty, or potential beauty, in everything built and natural. Taking a moment to notice the little, beautiful things is an important skill to have, but being able to capture this beauty is an action I have learned to embrace through photography.