retag aces
junior year, 2018
centennial, colorado
individual design
The overall RetAg site, completed by a group of myself and 3 other classmates combines retail and agriculture. The site design brings a retail district, while integrating agriculture, to the city of Centennial. RetAg also includes space for public facilities to be used for educational workshops and agricultural walkthroughs, industrial areas for maintenance, storage, and processing of agricultural goods, greenspace involving recreation and green corridors, and multifamily residential buildings. A major goal for the proposed site is to provide a field-to-plate dynamic throughout the commercial district and educational programs.
For the individual design, I focused on a public facility area surrounded by greenspace and agriculture fields to design an educational food forest called ACES: the All Crop Education Stop. The site's main goals are to inspire creative learning through urban agricultural demonstrations, to provide safe and natural pedestrian circulation, and to provide outdoor learning and recreation for families. Separated by various areas, sectioned off by vegetation typologies, circulation, and topography, visitors can come to enjoy a stroll through the lush forest or get involved with one of the various educational workshops for all ages.

"cutting out the middle man"


background infographics

process 3d model

retag master plan
site plan

east-west section

north-south section


age groups

centennial, co land uses
proposed land use usage

agriculture walkthrough

greenhouse workshops and natural playgrounds

fruit tree allee

ecological restoration forest